Maximizing Your Video Call Experience on Chromebooks: Tips and Tricks

Last updated on January 15th, 2024

In today’s digital age, staying connected has never been easier. And with the rise of Chromebooks, video calling is just a click away. I’ve spent years mastering the ins and outs of these versatile devices, and I’m here to share my knowledge with you.

Chromebooks aren’t just affordable and user-friendly, they’re also equipped with some of the best video calling features around. Whether you’re a student attending online classes, a professional in a remote meeting, or just catching up with loved ones, a Chromebook has you covered.

In this article, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about video calling on Chromebooks. From setting up your device to choosing the best apps, I’ve got the tips and tricks to help you make the most of your video calling experience. So let’s dive in and start exploring what your Chromebook can do for you.

Setting Up Your Chromebook for Video Calling

Getting your Chromebook ready for video calling is a breeze thanks to the device’s user-friendly interface. Let’s walk through the process together.

First off, make sure that you have a stable internet connection. As with any video calling platform, the better your connection, the clearer your calls will be. Next, update your Chromebooks software. Here’s the quick steps to do it:

  1. At the bottom right, select the time.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. At the bottom of the left panel, select About Chrome OS.
  4. Under “Google Chrome OS,” you’ll find which version of the Chrome operating system your Chromebook uses.
  5. Select Check for Updates. If your Chromebook finds a software update, it’ll start to download automatically.

Moving onto the hardware, do a check on your webcam and microphone. All Chromebooks come with a built-in camera and microphone. Ensure your camera lens is clean and there are no obstructions. As for the microphone, speak in a normal tone and see if the sound gets recorded.

Your next step is choosing the right video calling app. There are numerous platforms available that work well with Chromebook’s system: Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams are a few tested options. Pick the one that suits your needs.

Finally, understanding your chosen app is key. It’s also essential to learn some common settings, like turning off/on your camera or microphone, presenting your screen, and using the chat feature. Experiment with different settings until you find the ones that work best for you. Many video calling platforms offer helpful tutorials and guides to get you started. It’s all about finding your comfort zone to enjoy a hassle-free video calling experience.

Remember, setting up your Chromebook for video calling is not a one-time event. It’s a continuous process of understanding the platform and making incremental improvements. So, keep exploring and keep learning. You’ll be a pro in no time. There’s no end point as enhancements keep coming, making video calling experiences better than ever.

Choosing the Best Video Calling Apps for Chromebooks

When it comes to video calling on Chromebooks, it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario. The choice of the right app for your device depends on your specific requirements and preferences.

Many apps are available on the market, including ones you’re probably familiar with such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams. All these platforms offer reliable services, allowing a smooth communication flow, even on a device like a Chromebook. But the way these platforms function can vary slightly, affecting user preferences.

Google Meet is a powerful tool that allows up to 100 participants in the free version, and up to 250 in the paid version. What sets it apart is its robust security and encryption, plus it comes as a default on all Chromebooks.

On the other hand, Zoom is a tool that’s gained significant popularity in recent times. It’s renowned for its gallery view that allows you to see up to 49 participants at once, and its interactive features like polls, whiteboard, and breakout rooms.

With Skype, you’re looking at an app that has been around for a while. It’s a well-known platform among older folks and offers stable services. You can have up to 50 participants in a call, and its recent update allows custom backgrounds.

Microsoft Teams integrates seamlessly with all Microsoft 365 software. If you’re living in the Microsoft ecosystem for your work, it’s almost a no-brainer to go for Teams. It offers a host of functionalities including file sharing, task assignment, and slick note-taking options.

Understanding the Built-In Video Calling Features

One of the most significant advantages is Google’s integration with Chromebooks. For instance, Google Meet, a direct product of Google, comes pre-installed and has excellent compatibility with the device. It’s highly secure, encrypted, and designed for efficient performance on Chrome OS. It supports quality video calls, the ability to share your screen, and a host of other capabilities such as live captioning and breakout rooms.

Zoom, on the other hand, is well-suited for large group calls thanks to its gallery view. This is a feature that allows all participants to be seen simultaneously on the screen. It also offers an extensive suite of built-in interactive features like reactions, hand-raising, and polling to enhance user engagement.

Skype is well-established and dependable with similar video calling capabilities. It’s particularly handy when it comes to custom background options which allow you to blur or replace your environment during a call. Lastly, we have Microsoft Teams. This is a great choice for those already integrated into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Its built-in video calling feature ties seamlessly with the rest of the Microsoft software, including Office apps, SharePoint, and OneDrive. It’s designed to promote collaboration and works excellently for business meetings and team huddles. Let’s have a look at a brief comparison of these tools:

App Unique Feature
Google Meet Security & encryption
Zoom Gallery view & interactive features
Skype Custom background options
Microsoft Teams Integration with Microsoft 365 software

Choosing your video calling app will depend on what features you value most and the kind of meetings you’ll be having. So as you can see, these apps have a lot to offer, and what matters most is picking the one that suits you best. Whether you need to discuss business, connect with far-away loved ones, or just chat with friends, there’s an app for every need.

Optimizing Your Network for Seamless Video Calls

After you’ve chosen your ideal video calling app, optimizing your network should be your next priority. I’ll help you tweak your network settings for smooth, uninterrupted calls.

First, feel free to explore wired connections. Despite the omnipresence of Wi-Fi, nothing can quite match the stability and consistency of a wired connection. If you’re able, hooking your Chromebook up to Ethernet could prevent those annoying drop-outs during important calls. Many Chromebooks don’t have an Ethernet port, but a simple USB to Ethernet adapter will get you connected in a snap.

Second, consider plugging your device directly into a power source during a video call. Chromebooks are known for their long battery life, but video calling is a power-hungry task. By ensuring your device is charging, you’ll avoid abrupt interruptions when your battery unexpectedly gives up the ghost.

The location of your router is crucial too. Walls, floors, and large pieces of furniture can interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. If you can’t move closer to your router or remove any obstacles, a Wi-Fi range extender might be a worthwhile investment. It’ll provide a reliable connection throughout your home or office.

Turning off other devices that are connected to your network can also do wonders for your video call quality. Every gadget in your home, from your smart TV to your mobile phone, competes for the same Wi-Fi bandwidth. Limit the strain on your network by disconnecting unnecessary devices during the call.

Here is a quick summary table of these effective solutions for a robust and uninterrupted video call experience:

Optimizing Tips Description
Wired Connection Offers stability and consistency
Plug-in Power Source Averts unexpected battery drain
Router Location Ensures strong Wi-Fi signal
Disconnect Unnecessary Devices Frees up network bandwidth

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. What works best for you might depend on your own specific network setup and video calling needs. Find what’s best suited to your situations and say goodbye to unstable and erratic video calls.

Tips and Tricks for a Great Video Calling Experience on Chromebooks

Navigating video calls shouldn’t feel like coding in a foreign language. I’m here to share some tips for a smoother experience. #### Get a Good Webcam and Microphone

Your Chromebook may have a built-in webcam and microphone, but they may not give you the best quality. Upgrading to an external high-definition webcam and a noise-cancelling microphone can drastically improve your video calling experience. Remember, nothing can substitute clear audio and video.

Chrome Extensions for Video Calls

Some Chrome extensions can enhance your video calling capabilities. Extensions like ‘Google Meet Grid View’ visualize all participants in one screen, while ‘Google Meet Push to Talk’ allows you to mute and unmute with a keystroke. Explore the Chrome web store for more. But remember, don’t overload your device with extensions. Only install those that you’ll frequently use. #### Adjusting Your Environment

Look around – is your environment ready for a video call? Here’s a few points to check:

  • Lighting: Ensure you’re well-lit to avoid shadows and grainy images. Natural light is the best choice if available.
  • Background: Keep your background clutter-free and non-distracting. Optionally, you can use a virtual background.
  • Sound: Select a quiet place or use earphones to minimize background noise.

Use Ethernet Instead of Wi-Fi

If stability issues persist even after following these tips, you might consider using an Ethernet connection. It’s more consistent and reliable than Wi-Fi, especially when you’re sharing your network with other devices.

Finally, keep up with software updates and reboot your Chromebook regularly. These simple measures can increase performance and keep you at your best when on video calls. Armed with these tips, you’re well on your path to enjoying better video calls on your Chromebook.


I’ve shown you how to get the most out of your Chromebook for video calls. Investing in a high-quality webcam and microphone is key. Chrome extensions can further boost your video calling experience. Don’t overlook the importance of your environment – lighting, background, and sound all play a part. An Ethernet connection can provide a more stable internet connection. Regular software updates and reboots are also essential. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to crystal clear video calls on your Chromebook.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to improve my video calls on Chromebooks?

You can improve your video calls on Chromebooks by upgrading your webcam and microphone for higher quality video and audio. Using specific Chrome extensions can also enhance your video calling capabilities.

How can I optimize my environment for video calls?

To optimize your environment, focus on lighting, background, and sound. Adjust for optimal lighting, choose a clutter-free, professional background, and minimize ambient noise to enhance the clarity and quality of the calls.

Should I consider using an Ethernet connection for my video calls?

Yes, an Ethernet connection can offer more stability than a Wi-Fi connection during video calls. If possible, it’s a good idea to consider using Ethernet to avoid interruptions or lags during important calls.

Do software updates and regular reboots help with video call quality?

Absolutely! Regularly updating your software and rebooting your Chromebook can help it run smoothly and improve video call quality. It’s always smart to keep up with the latest software updates.

By John Routledge

Founder and owner of - I'm an avid tech junkie, a lover of new gadgets and home automation. You will often find me reading, writing, and learning about new technologies. I've been featured in many leading technology magazines where I've written about my favorite topics.